
Information about all onchain entities in the game

All resources and products in the game are NFT tokens, which allows for tracking of trading, mining, and production on the blockchain network. This is important both for fairness from the developers' side and for the P2O aspect. Additionally, all resources and products can only be playable under the management of the game contract - which means that if a player bought products on third-party NFT marketplaces, they must send them from their wallet to the warehouses on their lands.

The game currency is also an ERC20 token.

Each minted land is directly linked to a warehouse through the contract, which is located on each land by default. Additionally, a caravan belonging to that land is issued for each land. The caravan ID always matches the land ID. The caravan and warehouse are separate addresses on the blockchain network, and they are always tied to the land and transferred along with all the items to these addresses. For example, if you sell the land, all the resources in the caravan belonging to that land, as well as all the resources located in the warehouse of that land, will be transferred to another player. In addition to resources, buildings built on that land will also remain tied to the land, and the new owner can demolish them, receiving NFT tokens of the buildings into the new owner's wallet.

All trades also take place on-chain, where the contract checks the trading possibilities, taking into account the location of the required caravan, as well as checking the availability of the resource from the list allowed by the trade hub owner. And of course, the presence of the trade hub on the land is also checked.

All of this eliminates game exploits and fraud from the developers' side. It also prevents damage to the game and its economy through developer hacks.

Last updated